3 February 2009


At the Union until 5am. After successfully making it home I climbed up the stairs, fell a few times trying to get into pajamas and then in bed, get stuck between my end table and my bed- trying to answer a yeeess to my roommate's inquiry Are you alright?? and then finally passing out. Only to wake up in the morning with a massive hangover, a cold sweat, dry heaving for twenty minutes over the toilet, a cigarette, and slow walk back to my bed to sleep for another four hours. This was how the night ended, let me take you back to how it began...

I was kind of bummed when I realized that the Superbowl started at midnight here. No TV to watch it, and no pubs left open to view it there either. But then, a sign in the Union hallway. Superbowl Sunday: Drinks available until the end of the game! Hell yeah... now to just find someone to go with on a Sunday night.

This might be a tough feat, especially since it is like pulling teeth to get these girls to go out anyother night. So, a few people said they were in, I even mentioned it to one of the guys that was passing by our room when I was talking about it. He stopped in, chatted a while, then asked if he could go with us because none of his roommates were going.

Sunday rolls around, all the girls are out, (psh, figures), but this guy asks me if I am still going. Well sure thing, I just don't want to show up by myself in case no one i know is there. So he meets me at my place, quarter til 11.

Before I number my drinks, let me inform you that I had two pints before I left.
According to guy, I had eight or nine pints at the Union. So total I had ten pints, the beer I was having also happened to be stronger, not to mention how fast I drank all of these. Well point is, I was wasted walking home. And terribly drunk due to the following, miserable, morning the next day.

We found a bunch of the other IE kids and sat over with them. I bought my first beer, he bought the next round, so I said I would get the next. He bought the next eight. I never even had a chance to even offer to buy the next round because he was always on top of it, and he'd just bring me a beer back. Whatever, I spent less money, got drunk on his.

I watched pretty much of the first half. Cheering for my team, placing bets (which I never collected on because I was probably to drunk to remember at the end of the night), and explaining the game to some Brits who couldn't quite understand why they got so many first downs- but they already had one 1st down, why do they just get another one?

Half time, I'm not watching Bruce. Fuck I am drunk now, have the attention span of a two year old, and I want to go play. It snowed that night so there was a bunch of guys outside having a snowball fight. I decided I would join in. After a while of snowball fight fun, I had another smoke and chatted with some British students about the game. And out comes guy with another beer for me.

Second half? I'm not sure if there was a second half. Alls I know for sure is that there were two blurry teams, running at each other. There is no telling where the ball is at or who even has it, nor am I able to read the score or keep track of what quarter we were in.

Alls I really remember from being in there is asking, Am I winning?

On the walk home I remember apologizing for getting too drunk, he grabs me by the shoulders, straightens me out, and lands one on me.
After I pushed him away, I said we should probably keep walking. He had to open my door for me because I could not figure out the keys. I went to bed, and when I woke up the next morning, I had the worst hangover I have gotten in MONTHS, and then I remembered... poor kid. probably thinks that last night meant something... or was a date.

Nope, I'd just rather forget about it and pretend it never happened and carry on like normal. However, it is kind of hard to when friends see him staring at me, and then they say things that imply that he is head over heels. Oh, just stop... then your going to make me feel bad or like I was led him on, and somehow this was my fault. And it wasn't!!

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