19 January 2009

Pub Crawl

An event that encourages socialization. Normally I hate these types of events... but since this event includes beer- why the hell not?

We split into small groups and headed out in different directions. The first pub was cramped. there was a futbol game going on... It was very strange having a group of fifteen walk into this place that seemed like a place to go and kick back a few beers with friends. We were a bit out of place... I guess this teaches you to go on a pub crawl with 15+ people.

The next pub was stuffy. Had a very lofty feel, people had a lot of arrogance and pomp. I was telling all of this to the RA, only to find out this was his favorite place to kick it.... I think I insulted him.

We went somewhere else that night before hitting the Union pub... I do not remember much of it though on account of how much I had to drink at the previous bars in order to have a good time...
so we end up at Da Vinci's. AKA the Union. It is the pub on campus.

As I make my way to the bar, the girls I was with tell me they were headed back.... Well, I say, I still want to drink, so have a nice walk home.

Being left at this pub I have never been to, at my school which I did not get that afternoon's tour of, I had no idea where I was at, nor do I remember the way we came.... however, I saw a bunch of Americans left over that I figured were in my group, so it would be fine.

I talked to Andy for a bit to try and get directions back to the flats. The last time I ask him for directions. So then I found some girls that were going home. They lived in a different building then I did so I had to wait still. Finaly, a curly-headed lady said she lived in my building and she was ready to go.... well she wasn't. I had lost sight of her, and was just like fuck it... I'll figure it out later. I've already been lost in this city, why not make it twice in one day. It'll be a fun adventure.

So instead of finding this girl that I was supposed to walk home with, I got another drink and headed outside to smoke--- by the way, most pubs and restaurants here are smoke free. Weird- Right? Especially because most Londoners seem to smoke--Anyways, I'm outside, I realize that there is no one left here... by "no one" I mean there are no Americans. So, at this point I do what anyone else with no friends would do, I make new ones.

A couple of French guys to my left, or the group of Brits standing behind me. I opted for the Brits behind me because one of the chaps was actually a jolly-looking Irish ginger. I spun around on the bench I was sitting on and strolled on up to them and asked if they care if I joined. They all welcomed me and started chatting right away. Kim, Joe, and Callum. These are my first British friends.

I stayed with them until the pub closed, which was for another hour. They even bought me a beer. And who says they don't buy drinks over here? A pretty girl can always find someone to buy her drinks. Right? They were fun people, the big Irish bloke kept trying to put on his American accent. It was quite hilarious, because apparently everyone from the States is a Texan.

After the bar shut down and they were moving people out I had to reopen my search for Americans. My new mates were helping me and eventually Kim spotted one. I said my thanks and said my goodbyes and made it home with 3 very drunk, very dumb blonde girls, one American boy, and 2 English boys- who I guess were helping us find home(?).
At least I made it one piece.

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